@article{Mihaeljans_Skrastins_Porins_2024, title={Paramounts of Intent-based Networking: Overview}, volume={30}, url={https://eejournal.ktu.lt/index.php/elt/article/view/38680}, DOI={10.5755/j02.eie.38680}, abstractNote={<p>This study is an exploration of the design of the state-of-the-art intent-based networking (IBN) model. In IBN, communication means are initialised by user’s (herein IT staff, not end-user) input of requirements and not instructions. Thus, allowing the self-organisational abilities of the network to set communication paths. Through research of academic studies and standardisation drafts we conduct IBN structure. We determined the need for change in the design. The current IBN model detains its adaptation as network assurance requirements of ensuring network security and scalability, and continuity are unfulfillable via conduct of network analysis and track of intent drift. We propose two submodels - one for autonomous networks and one for supervised networks.</p>}, number={6}, journal={Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika}, author={Mihaeljans, Martins and Skrastins, Andris and Porins, Jurgis}, year={2024}, month={Dec.}, pages={53-59} }